Machine for nougat

Machine for nougat
Model: CT 50 - CT 200
Supplier: De Danieli
Available: on request
Contact the Sales Representative Novapan0268 331 332

Ideal for pastry and confectionery laboratories, for the purpose of obtaining nougat, as well as other types of creams or very consistent mixtures

- Electric machine made of stainless steel suitable for preparing and cooking hard mixtures as “nougat” and similars
- The “bain-marie” cooking concept is based on the circulation of thermic-oil inside the hollow space of tank
- The speed variator allows a wide range of mixing regulations
- The stirrer is very strong and fitted with teflon scrapers to prevent the product from adhering to the walls of the tank
- Provided with a speed gauge for optimal control based on prescription specifications
- Strong resistors guarantee a rapid heating of the cream, and can be controlled with a special thermometer with which the cuvette is provided
- Equipped with a timer, which warns the operator to complete the baking process
- The safety grill made of stainless steel and the safety devices complying with the regulations in force

- Capacitate cuva: 50 lt - 200lt